Catalog of the Automobil-Revue 2020
Catalog of the Automobil-Revue 2020

ISBN: 978-3-613-30956-2
Titel-Nr.: 30956
Einband: broschiert
Seitenzahl: 320
Abbildungen: 843 Bilder
Format: 225mm x 300mm
Erschienen: 03/2020
Preis: 49.00 €
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As a car lover, wouldn't you like to have the latest information about all the cars in the world at your fingertips? For sure! To keep you fully informed at all times, we offer you a unique and detailed reference book: the new AUTOMOBIL REVUE Catalog. With this detailed and unique catalog you will learn everything worth knowing about 150 brands and 3500 car models. Of course, the technical data, price lists and novelties should not be missing in it. In addition, you can read the test results of all AUTOMOBIL REVUE test reports from last year.


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